Gauging Interest In A Career In the Airline Industry

The dream of piloting an airliner or working as a charter pilot often overlooks the realities of the airline job market. For those who want to experience the wonders of flying an aircraft, it can be humbling to receive licensing and go through schooling only to struggle to find a job. Young professionals, graduates, and those on the verge of choosing their career path need to think about the strength of their dream and their interest in making it a reality and a career. There are a number of factors that can help a potential airline professional strengthen their resolve to make flight part of their career.

One way of evaluating interest and the possibility of flying planes professionally is whether a young professional feels they can live up to the rigorous standards of the industry. The airline industry in all of its glory requires perfect performance by everyone involved in flight, from pilots to mechanics. This perfection can be a tough standard to meet for many professionals but can also be a great challenge for pilots and mechanics looking to keep their edge. As well, government licensing and regulation require annual assessments of health and skills to maintain licensing. Finally, airlines and charter companies alike assess their personnel on a regular basis in order to fulfil legal obligations and ensure an efficient business. Pilots and other onboard personnel also need to understand the rigors of regular air travel, especially for international flights.

Workers with international airlines have to spend a lot of time away from the comforts of home and have to make the hotel room in their destination cities a home away from home. As well, the time spent in air and focused on the job, while regulated by the government, can be strenuous on physical health. Finally, pilots and others often have to keep an eye on the foods that they eat. The tendency for busy airline professionals is to choose unhealthy, fast foods over home cooked meals. Finally, airline workers need to understand that the industry requires professionals to bide their time.

First officers and young pilots earn much lower salaries than their experienced captain counterparts, which requires patience and a consideration for the financial rewards down the road. As well, the competition from new first officers and new graduates throughout the world for every open pilot position makes it an industry that requires considerable thought before entrance.

Wynnwith Flight Crew are specialists in pilot recruitment with a particular focus on airline pilot jobs, flight crew jobs and airline captain jobs. Operating out of Woking in the UK, Wynnwith Flight Crew is a leading provider to many pan European airline companies.

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