Stop the Presses Journalism Jobs for UK Graduates

Every day in the United Kingdom, millions of people receive their local, national, or international newspapers with the latest in news and opinions. These people still rely on the newspaper to give them important information and perspective on the news of the day, despite the prevalence of cable news and Internet sources. These news consumers, including university graduates, typically do not think of the process of getting that newspaper to doors before people wake up in the morning. Graduates interested in the fast pace world of journalism should consider jobs at daily and weekly newspapers throughout the United Kingdom. The newspaper industry is not just a haven for editors, journalists, and artists who come up with the print material in the newspaper. Printing technicians run the assembly and printing lines for newspapers like the London Times around the clock to ensure timely delivery of a perfectly printed newspaper.

Business administration graduates can find jobs at newspapers in financial and business offices, which manage the tight newspaper budgets and other paperwork needed to run a successful newspaper. Graduates who want to focus on the engineering of a perfect delivery and redelivery system can become delivery managers. There are many positions available for graduates in the newspaper industry and journalism, though the job market is tight for the near future.

Small alternative newspapers and magazines are constantly popping up, providing graduates with bylines and experience in printing and writing that can be used to work for bigger newspapers. However, newspaper companies have remained static over the years as it is a costly process that is being bypassed by young generations for the Internet. Graduates need to consider the zero growth factor before they consider applying for jobs in journalism. With the job market competitive for jobs in journalism, graduates need to have a number of skills to break into the industry and be successful.

Strong technical skills, whether it is in writing or budget crunching, are required to stay ahead of the competition. As well, a strong work ethic is necessary for journalists and other newspaper personnel in order to work the long hours necessary to crack that big story. Finally, journalists need to be able to demonstrate their creativity in finding the right story to tell in their column or newspaper space.

However, graduates interested in journalism careers can receive solid benefits and a starting salary between 20,000 and 30,000 pounds, depending on the newspaper circulation.

Rupal Patel is the Marketing Manager at JustClick, who are a leading source of Graduate Jobs and Graduate Careers, also offering a Graduate Lifestyles portal with news and reviews on current affairs.

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