OK. We've all been told that mass distributing your job resumes is the way to go. Right? The theory goes like this . . . the more job resumes you can paper the market with, the better your chances are of getting a job.
You know, that approach actually used to work . . . back in the last century! You could count on the numbers eventually working for you with some predictability.
But those days are gone forever. Different century. Different market. Yet, it's amazing to me how many job seekers hold on to the illusion that somehow I can make the job resume numbers work for me. It's a crapshoot! It doesn't work for you.
And it doesn't work the employers. Here's why. From the employer's side--employers today are much more sophisticated and require much more from a job candidate than a resume. No one is going to hire you based on your resume. Employers aren't really interested in what you used to do for someone else. They want to see how you're going to fit into their team.
And they won't learn that from your resume. From the job candidate's side--your million-dollar resume won't even be seen by the person who makes the hiring decision. It'll be screened by some personnel staffer or low level assistant. Along with hundreds of other resumes. When you submit a resume you've just put yourself right in the middle of the fiercest competition--right where you DON'T want to be! So, what's a serious job seeker to do, if a resume isn't the way to go? Well, the answer is .
. . use an exciting alternative job search strategy! One that gets you in front the person who'll actually be making the hiring decision about you--but without requiring him/her to wade through all the competition to get to you. For example, you approach your job search by targeting the precise companies you want to work for and then single out the exact decision-makers who could be your next boss. And then meet with him/her.
Sounds like a great way to go, doesn't it? I mean you have direct access to your next boss without any competition. So the secret is how to do that. The good news is that there's a proven system that can have you meeting face-to-face with selected decision-makers in a matter of days. You can be entertaining a high-paying job offer in as little as two weeks! So, abandon the notion of mass distributing your job resumes and jump aboard the innovative 21st Century alternative job search program. You'll be amazed at how fast you'll see real results!.
Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info! http://www.fastest-job-search.com