The cold numbers and profit-first logic of the finance world can make finance graduates feel like robots. Financial firms place a premium on dispassionate advising and an adherence to regulations to protect the investments of clients big and small. While it is important to maintain an impeccable standard of performance, finance graduates need to make some aspects of their jobs personal to provide the best service possible. Finance graduates need to take a micro level approach to their job on occasion to stay grounded. The temptation for many graduates is to look at commission numbers and the portfolios of larger clients to increase efficiency on the job.
An occasional review of stock holdings, investments and the financial overview for a young family or a small-scale investor can bring the importance of doing a good job home for overwhelmed graduates. There is a way for finance graduates to make work personal with each document completed and each trade managed. Finance graduates can think about each action in terms of its reflectivity of their own values. A financial advisor with knowledge of a risky new venture can ask if a more conservative trade would be appropriate for a client. Quarterly and annual adjustments of financial portfolios can be viewed in light of the potential benefits for the account holder. A graduate also needs to look at the practices and missions of his employer during an evaluation of daily practices.
It is impossible for a finance graduate to follow self-imposed ethics and best practices guidelines when an employer is not providing adequate resources. Finance graduates need to take advantage of every opportunity to express their opinion in order to shape the direction of their employer. A combination of advisory positions, informal comments in meetings and official comments through internal documents ensures professional comfort for finance graduates. The most important way for finance graduates to make work personal is to look at long term goals.
Graduates need to think about their desired destination in five, ten and twenty years as they help clients find the best investments. A financial graduate is best served to treat customers with respect and show an unimpeachable work ethic to employers in order to build a strong reputation. Finance graduates need to work for the job they want while they work in their present job to meet their professional goals.
Mike Sandiford is the Sales Manager at JustClick, who are a leading source of Graduate Jobs and Graduate Careers, also offering a Graduate Lifestyles portal with news and reviews on current affairs.